Thursday was her schedule dental procedure. We had had to reschedule from May because she had gotten a mild cold but they couldn't sedate her while she was sick. Back in April we found out she had 3 cavities between the molars. Knowing Logan's history, along with the dentist, we decided to treat her aggressively. The mild sedation that Logan had received required things to be done in steps, whereas the IV sedation we elected for Peyton was a one shot, one day, won't remember a thing deal.
We went in and the anesthesiologist gave her a shot that made her completely out of it and then he brought her back to the procedure room. Once the work was complete they came and got us and she was really super groggy. But not groggy enough to forget that when you leave Dr Toppi's office you get to pick from the treasure chest and she started yelling and flailing around without any control of her body. Sean attempted to help her pick out her treasures but she was just not happy at all and continue to scream. We finally decided it was a reaction to the sedation and that we just needed to get her home. It took both Sean and I to restrain her and get her in her car seat. She was just adamant that she wanted to go back into the dentist office to pick her toys! She did eventually calm down and does not remember any of the procedure or the drama after but mommy & daddy are traumatized! ;)
But wait, the fun didn't stop there! Friday about noon I was tossing around making the kids take an early nap when Peyton turns around, looks at me, tears in her eyes and hand over her mouth and says "My coiny, I chomped it!" For those who don't speak Peyton-ese, that's HOLY CRAP MOM I SWALLOWED A COIN! Now Logan had done this when he was younger and I did not freak about it because he didn't seem bothered by it. However Peyton seemed scared and kept telling me her back hurt (apparently little kids have a hard time telling when they have pain where exactly it is). So I called Sean, originally to stay with Logan while I took Peyton (and my little sidekick Belle) to the ER. But by the time he got home I came to the realization that what made more sense was for him to take her to the ER and Logan, Belle, & I to stay home. So that's what we did.
The doctors decided the coin was not lodged through a few sets of x-rays and that she would be just fine. But it was definitely a scare! And we now have a memento of her coiny chomp...
This morning I asked Peyton when she was looking at the x-ray picture, What's that? "My coiny", How's it getting out? She did a hop pop and said with a big grin "I just gonna poop it out!" OH PEYTON! Love you princess!
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