Friday, December 11, 2009
Our monkeys meet their favorite monkey!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Deck the Halls...
The evening brought that part Logan has been looking forward to ALL week. The Christmas tree! He was SO excited when Aunt Angie brought in the box with the tree in it!
This is a few shots of the kids decorating the tree! Uncle Dean was "the hook store" where they went to get hooks put on their ornaments & then they hung them on the tree. We did have to move many up further as they could only reach the bottom foot of the tree but they had a blast!
This is proof that the Christmas season has arrived. Freckles has been a fixture under our Christmas trees for the last 13 years!
Like, BBRRRR, and stuff!
Here's the kiddos all bundled in their winter best. Logan had a hat too but he was refusing to wear it. And after all, it wasn't THAT cold!
And all that cold weather gear didn't stop the girls from having some fun! Here's Cousin Kaitlyn on the left & Peyton on the right sliding despite their many layers!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Peyton's Gymboree Birthday!
Since we have been home we have been busy spending time with family I haven't had a chance to blog! But I just had to share Peyton's birthday with the world! Our little Explorer turned 2 on December 3rd. Because we aren't home, mommy took the easy way out & called the local Gymboree!
We went with the Dora theme as it is one of Peyton's most favorite cartoons and she always refers to her as "my dorly." So as I always do, anything & everything theme related was there! Here's the cake table complete with Dora napkins, plates, and cake! We love our "dorly!"
For those who don't know, Gymboree is a great place for smaller children to play & develop motor skills. This activity they called the "birthday blaster". She walked up the tube & the teacher bounced it & we helped her jump off onto a mat below. This was by far the favorite activity of the day!
The kids also had many chances to just play on the equipment. Here's Peyton crossing a bridge. She's such a big girl now!
And no birthday celebration would be complete without making a huge mess with the cake! Peyton was licking the Dora & Boots figures that were on the cake and she was getting it everywhere! YOU GO GIRL!
This is Peyton with her Grandma Annie whose birthday just happens to be 2 days after Peyton's! The birthday girls had a blast at Gymboree!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Road Trip Day 6 - Tuscaloosa, AL to McDonough, GA
I would have to say after 6 days in the car, that although the kids were tired, they did AWESOME! All in all very few meltdowns on the road, they were great when we stopped & when it was time to load up again. I know you all know this, but my kids are the best in the whole world!!! :)))
Now we are gonna enjoy our time with all of our family. Passing the time until daddy gets home - 1 month down; 6 to go!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Road Trip Day 5 - Kilgore, TX to Tuscaloosa, AL
Road Trip Day 4 - Abilene, TX to Kilgore, TX
Friday, October 23, 2009
Road Trip Day 3 - El Paso, TX to Abilene TX

Holy COWS! Literally! Everywhere, cows & oil dereks! Nothing says Texas like cows & oil dereks!
We left out of El Paso 2 hours earlier than we had because we knew this day was gonna be a long one. Not only were we trying to go over 450 miles but through part of the most BORING parts of the country! Nothing to look at, no where to stop (or pee for that matter!). Although, Graham & I being the dorks that we are, were very excited about seeing Odessa & Midland & all those other places they mention in the Texas highschool football movies! I was looking for James Van Der Beek (Dawson from Dawson's Creek - he played one of the heroes in one of those movies...)!! But to no avail, only cows, oil dereks, & a lot of wind turbines - which Logan called windmeals!!
All in all an AWESOME day! A lot of road covered, only minor meltdowns occured, and the kids are adjusting to the time changes very well. Hoping that tomorrow we have the same luck!!
Road Trip Day 2 - Tucson, AZ to El Paso, TX
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Road Trip Day 1 - San Diego to Tucson, AZ
Peyton takes her art VERY seriously, had to pick the exact right picture to color
And to think mommy thought she was smart getting the twistable crayons so they wouldn't break them...
At the Holiday Inn Express in Tucson, AZ - Always love a ride on the luggage cart!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dreaming of a White Christmas...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Dora, table for two!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
We LOVE United Through Reading!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fall is in the air
And what fall festival is complete without yummy food!